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About Us

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We focus on three things:


Having a strong personal connection to one's faith is crucial and often overlooked. Jesus focused on everyday people and not just the religious elite showing us that everyone can have a meaningful spiritual journey, and the church should be a place for people to find that faith. At Connect, we prioritize sharing Jesus' message in practical, relatable ways and believe that God wants to connect with everyone.


Connect places a strong emphasis on building deep, meaningful relationships. Jesus demonstrated the importance of developing close friendships through his interactions with both large crowds and a few close friends. Connect believes that the church should be a place where friendships can grow and flourish, and that faith can be developed through close relationships with others.


Jesus dedicated a significant portion of his life to helping those in need, including healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and freeing the oppressed. The church should also prioritize helping marginalized people and work to make a positive impact on their lives. This includes focusing less on internal operations of the church organization and more on volunteer time, energy, and resources directed externally. Helping those in need is a central aspect of the church's mission.

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When you're ready... 10:30 am at TCU Place!